How can we help?
Returns & Refunds
Returns from the USA are FREE using the Moss Bros. Returns Portal. You'll need to enter your email address and order number and then follow the steps. We will cover the cost of returns sent using the Returns Portal.
Returns from the USA using our FREE Returns Portal can take up to 14 days to reach us. It can take up to a further 7 days to inspect and process your return. We will send you an email to confirm when we have done this and have processed any applicable refund. It can then take up to 7 days for the refund to appear back onto your payment card or into your account, depending on your bank or payment provider. Therefore, please allow up to 4 weeks after returning your items to receive the refund.
If you return items after the periods outlined above (with the exception of faulty or damaged goods), we reserve the right not to offer you a refund. If your purchase needs to be returned to you, you will be charged the delivery fee applicable to the products and your location.
Due to hygiene reasons Face Masks, Top Hats, Hats and Underwear are excluded from our Returns Policy and cannot be Returned or their purchase Refunded. Please note bow ties must be returned in their original box to be eligible for a refund.
Gift Cards are non-returnable and non-refundable.
Unfortunately we cannot refund or exchange altered or personalised items. Please ensure that you are truly happy with any product before any alterations are made.
If your original order was part of a Multibuy or contained a promotional discount code then this will be taken into account and the refund price of individual items may differ from the original selling price.
Protecting your privacy
We use cookies and tracking to make our site work. To help us improve your experience, we also use optional tracking for analytics and marketing personalisation. Opting in will set cookies on your device and profile to improve your experience. If you choose to opt out, you may not be able to access some features and your experience may be less relevant to you. More information in our privacy notice.
Strictly necessary (these make the website work)
We use cookies to enable essential website operations and to ensure certain features work, like adding an item to your bag. These cookies don't store personally identifiable information.
Analytics (for a better website)
Aggregated anonymous tracking helps us measure and improve the performance of our site, meaning a smoother experience for you.
Personalisation (for a customised experience)
Personalisation tracking collects information to display tailored content and ads, including ads on other sites. Enjoy a more personalised experience by enabling this feature.